The serpentine is a family residence located in the suburban settlement of Saronida. The house is introverted, arranged around a square courtyard (12x12 meters) and turning its back on the streets and houses that surround it. A continuous 6 meter wide, 140 meter long slab wraps around the courtyard three times. The unraveling slab forms the ceilings and the floors for all the interior spaces. A metal scissor structure separates the layers of the slab, while wooden and glass panels provide enclosure. The public areas of the house are located on the ground level. The interior spaces are uninterrupted by walls and have an immediate connection to the courtyard through operable glass panels. The communal spaces flow upwards through a covered exterior ramp that acquires the function of an exterior cinema. At the end of the ramp, on the first floor, there is a continuous corridor that overlooks into the courtyard from which all the private rooms are accessed. The serpentine house plays with the typology of the courtyard house, using the spatial mechanism of the unraveling plane as a vehicle to create spatial interrelations between movement views and use.